Hi my friends, the last months on the blog were quite….quiet. My dear friend Tarcisio is having some IT issues and as our boys will be playing for the title soon, I thought it prudent to get back here and commentate on the Oranje games.
Word of warning: I will not go into the deep end for other national teams. Focus will be Oranje and their games.
And a big ASK: I have had to spend more money into getting the site back up and running.
After years of offering this platform, there have always been just a handful of committed fans who would support the blog with some digits. You probably know the cost of running this sortathing?
At the same time, I do see some people really getting a lot of joy/mileage from this platform so I need to ask all who can, to chip in a bit for the opportunity I offer people to share stories, their comments, their comical banter and at times their less than friendly banter.
If we value this orange community, please share a bit of your materialised energy so we can keep it going.
A proper post, soon! For now, please use the link below: